10 Steps to Positive Body Image

positive body image

The journey towards improving one's body image and cultivating self-esteem is not a destination but a continuous process, replete with challenges and triumphs. In a world that incessantly bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, learning how to love and appreciate our bodies is an act of rebellion. This article is not just a guide; it's a manifesto for those ready to embark on the path of self-love and acceptance.

Learn to Improve Body Image and Self-Esteem

By reading this article, you will learn:

- What body image is and its impact on self-esteem

- Steps to improve body image and self-esteem, such as appreciating your body's abilities and surrounding yourself with positive influences

- How to counter negative influences from media and society

What is body image?

Body image is the mental representation we create of what we think we look like; it's not necessarily a reflection of how others actually see us. This image is fluid, changing in response to mood, environment, and physical experience. It's more than just dissatisfaction with one's appearance; it's deeply intertwined with our overall self-esteem and affects how we live our lives.

Throughout my teenage years, I struggled with a distorted body image, always comparing myself to the airbrushed models in magazines and feeling perennially inadequate. It took years of introspection and support to realize that my self-worth wasn't tied to my appearance.

What is a positive body image?

A positive body image occurs when we accept, appreciate, and respect our bodies, celebrating its capabilities and uniqueness without obsessing over perceived flaws. It's when we see ourselves as more than just our physical appearance, recognizing the qualities and strengths that make us who we are.

What is a negative body image?

Conversely, a negative body image is fraught with dissatisfaction, shame, and a constant feeling of not measuring up to societal standards or personal expectations. It's a tumultuous relationship with one's appearance, marked by a desire to change one's size, shape, or features.

What causes a negative body image?

The roots of negative body image can be traced back to a myriad of factors, including societal pressure, familial attitudes, bullying, and media portrayal of beauty standards. These influences can embed deep-seated beliefs that our value is contingent upon how closely we align with these unrealistic ideals.

During a low point, a therapist helped me understand that the negative voices in my head were echoes of past criticisms, not truths. It was a pivotal moment in my journey towards self-acceptance.

How can I improve my body image?

1. Appreciate all that your body can do

Every day, make it a point to celebrate your body's capabilities. Whether it's the strength to lift weights, the stamina to run, or the ability to hug your loved ones, acknowledging these feats can shift your focus from how your body looks to what it can do.

2. Keep a top-ten list of things you like about yourself

This list should extend beyond physical attributes, encompassing your talents, achievements, and qualities you're proud of. Revisit and update this list regularly. It serves as a tangible reminder of your worth, independent of your appearance.

3. Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep

True beauty emanates from your actions, your passion, and your kindness. It's in the laughter shared with friends, the comfort you provide to a loved one, and the tenacity to pursue your dreams.

4. Look at yourself as a whole person

You are not defined by any single part of your body. When you catch yourself criticizing a specific feature, step back and consider yourself from a broader perspective, appreciating the harmony of your whole self.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

The company you keep can significantly impact your self-esteem. Cultivate relationships with individuals who uplift you and affirm your worth beyond physical appearance. It's transformative when you're surrounded by positivity.

6. Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not “right” or that you are a “bad” person

Combat negative self-talk with positivity or, at the very least, neutrality. When a disparaging thought arises, challenge it with a kinder, more compassionate perspective.

Insider Tip: Keep a journal of positive affirmations and refer to it whenever you need a reminder of your inherent worth.

7. Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel good about your body

Fashion is an expression of individuality. Choose attire that reflects your style and makes you feel confident. The right outfit can dramatically boost your mood and self-esteem.

8. Become a critical viewer of social and media messages

Question the ideals presented by the media. Recognize the extensive editing that goes into creating those 'perfect' images. By understanding the artifice behind these standards, you can start to liberate yourself from their grip.

Here's an insightful piece on media literacy and body image.

9. Do something nice for yourself

Self-care is a powerful tool in nurturing a positive body image. Whether it's taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or practicing meditation, engaging in activities that make you feel good can reinforce the belief that you are worthy of love and care.

10. Use the time and energy that you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and your weight to do something to help others

Channeling your focus towards altruistic pursuits can not only enrich your life but also shift your perspective from self-scrutiny to the broader picture of your role in the community and the impact you can have.

Real-life Example: Overcoming Negative Body Image

Growing up, Sarah always felt self-conscious about her body. She struggled with comparing herself to others and constantly felt like she didn't measure up to society's standards of beauty. It wasn't until she started practicing yoga that her perspective began to shift. Through yoga, she learned to appreciate her body for its strength and flexibility, rather than its appearance. This shift in mindset helped Sarah to embrace her body and see herself as a whole person, beyond just her physical appearance. By focusing on what her body could do rather than how it looked, Sarah was able to overcome her negative body image and develop a more positive relationship with herself.

This real-life example demonstrates the power of appreciating all that your body can do, as mentioned in step 1. It shows how engaging in activities that make you feel good about your body can lead to a more positive body image.


Improving your body image and bolstering your self-esteem is no easy feat, but it's a profoundly rewarding journey that leads to greater self-acceptance and happiness. By implementing these steps, you embark on a path of loving yourself more fully, recognizing your worth beyond the mirror. Remember, this journey is uniquely yours; it's about progress, not perfection. Embrace the process, and celebrate each step forward in this journey of self-discovery and self-love.

Q & A

Who can benefit from improving body image and self-esteem?

Anyone who wants to feel better about themselves and their body can benefit.

What are some strategies for improving body image?

Engaging in positive self-talk and surrounding yourself with supportive people can help.

How can I start improving my self-esteem?

Start by acknowledging your strengths and setting achievable goals for yourself.

What if I've struggled with body image for a long time?

It's never too late to seek support from a therapist or counselor who can help.

What are some common obstacles to improving body image?

Comparison to others and societal pressures can be common obstacles to overcome.

How can I deal with negative thoughts about my body?

Practice self-compassion and challenge negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

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